Wales' Premier Independent Travel Magazine

Travel Trends

Travel is back. More than half (52%) of the respondents in a recent, large travel survey* say they plan to take more trips this year than last, and 50% plan to increase their budget.
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This was confirmed by a Skyscanner poll which suggested 70% are expecting to spend the same or more. An overwhelming majority apparently care more about creating a travel experience that meets their expectations than the cost. Almost four in five believe that travel is an important budget priority while 84% of Millennials (born after 1981) and Gen Z would rather take a dream vacation than purchase a new luxury item.

Pam Thornton, owner of four travel agencies in the Vale, remarked, “Generally the over 40s are looking for higher-end and longer durations than pre-Covid, while younger customers are more focused on making multiple short trips. All customers are keen to have personalised itineraries which take their passions and ambitions into account. This could include their hobbies or hard to get dinner reservations or even the perfect video for Instagram.”

Within the overall picture there are four key factors identified as driving forces behind global travel behaviour:

Travelling Off the Beaten Track
85% of respondents want to discover less well-known destinations-hidden gems-preferably where they can experience the local culture and help support local communities.

The Rise of “Set-Jetting”

Social media and pop culture is behind the decisions of younger travellers determining where they go and what to do when they get there. 75 % of those surveyed identified social media as well as TV shows and movies as inspiring them to visit a specific destination be it Paris, Rome or Yellowstone.Then there are bragging rights. More than a third of all Brits admit to going somewhere with the specific intention of boasting about it.

Delicious Destinations

Food is increasingly a huge part of travel, with many clients planning their entire vacation around planned food experiences -including what they will eat, cooking classes and visits to local wineries, farms and markets as well as photo oportunities. 81% of respondents agree that trying local foods and cuisines is the part of traveling they look forward to the most with nearly half (47%) of Gen Z and Millennials (1981-2012) saying they have planned an entire trip around visiting a specific bar or restaurant.

The Wellbeing  Wave
Restorative vacations are also on the rise, as travellers emphasise self-care or even indulgence. 73% of survey respondents are planning vacations to better their mental, physical and emotional health this year with hotels everywhere adding spas in response to the strong demand.

We asked Pam what advice she has for travellers. “Prices, especially of flights, have gone up but don’t delay plans for 2023. There has been an exceptionally strong start to bookings with many operators already reporting they are at or close to capacity. 88% of EasyJet Holidays for the summer were sold by the end of March. Unusual destinations often have limited flight options so better value can be found on competitive routes where fares have even dropped, e.g. to many Spanish destinations. Ex-UK cruises where flights and flight prices are not an issue also offer good value.

Pam Thornton
Pam has travelled extensively during her career and has four travel agencies in the beautiful county of The Vale of Glamorgan in Wales, UK.

Cowbridge Travel
8 High St, Cowbridge CF71 7AG
01446 688685

Penarth Travel
Opening soon

Porthcawl Travel
73 John Street, Porthcawl CF36 3AY
01656 331010

Thornton Travel
83 High St, Barry CF62 7DX
01446 393866

Travel Trends
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*2023 Global Travel Trends report – American Express.

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